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Play Pens not Safe for Sleeping

Health Canada suggests since playpens do not meet the same safety requirements and are not as durable as cribs, they are not designed to be used as a sleep surface. They recommend....

  • Do not leave an infant sleeping in a playpen for extended periods of time.
  • If a change table or bassinet is provided as an attachment for the playpen, never place a baby in the playpen while the change table or bassinet attachment is still in place.
  • Do not add blankets, pillows or an extra mattress to a playpen. The use of these items could lead to suffocation.
  • Check that the mattress pad is firm. Mattress pads that are too soft or worn down in any area could create a suffocation hazard.

For more information on "Safe Sleeping Practices",

Do they Know, "NO"?

Most parents insist children have to learn not to touch things. However safety researchers find this is an unrealistic expectation of little ones and using this approach can make them more likely they get hurt. In a study, Examining Parental Strategies, and Their Efficacy, for Managing Child Injury Risk,” Morrongiello, BA, Ondejko MA, Littlejohn, A, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, found “Child-based strategies serve no protective function and, depending on what other prevention strategy is in place, may actually elevate children’s risk of injury in a room.” Combining removing hazards and watching, was found to be better methods to keep them safe.

Do you know what is the leading health risk to your child?

Less than 10% of parents do? According to A Safe Kids Canada survey in 2006 showed that the majority of parents do
not understand the risk of serious injury to their children. Nearly one-quarter (24%) of Canadian parents believe that the leading health risk to children is obesity, inactivity, and nutrition, followed by “don’t know” (23%), diseases such as
cancer and diabetes (13%), and smoking and secondhand smoke (12%). Unintentional injury was ranked fifth (9%).
to learn more...

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